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These aren't our Packages


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Name:  Boutineer

Who helped (If applicable): Hades , Data

Event Name: These Aren't Our Packages

Summary of the story: The base is alerted to incoming shipments scheduled for later that day however ,CIS Sends in large shipment of supplies to the republic base on anaxes. The Shipment Convoy on its way to anaxes was captured by the Cis where they not only knocked out the crew but installed something extra inside the crates. While the Jawa movers move in the crates with the shock watching them they have no clue that inside of the crates there is something extra. Inside a couple of the crates are compacted droids of  10. They activate their sleeper agents to try and take out high value targets as they pull back their transport ship. 

What was the result of the event?: The droids caught a bit of the troopers off by surprise and raised their suspicions on the base which will make it harder to trick them again.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both its more of a prelude into future storage events




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