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CIS attacks supply transport.


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Name: Rick

Who helped (If applicable): Deathtiger

Event Name: CIS attacks supply transport.

Summary of the story:The CIS hired bounty hunters to help them set up a communications outpost.  This communications outpost is being used to conduct an attack on a republic transport on its way to fort anaxes with supply's, the CIS has use of orbital bombardment and actual troops.  The goal is to find the communications outpost clear it out and destroy it before an attack can be called in.

What was the result of the event?:  The republic was successful the destroyed the base and killed all enemy's.  They captured the Bounty Hunter commander running the operation and was taken in for interrogation, they got information out of him they needed and then killed him.  In the base they found coordinated to the CIS fleet.  The CIS targeted the supply transport but was unsuccessful every try, once the base was offline they tried targeting it directly from there ship but that was unsuccessful as well.  In the end the supply's were delivered and the CIS base was destroyed.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both.



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