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Punda's CIS Space Station event


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Name: Punda

Event Name: The CIS Space Sation

Summary of the story: The Venator entered hyperspace, the hyperdrive malfunctioned, came out of hyperspace, where a CIS Space station began open firing on the ship. A small boarding party was sent to the space station to blow it up and evac back to the ship, they succeeded. After the station blew up, a CIS fleet came out of hyperspace and attack the Venator. The CIS failed their attack and had to retreat

What was the result of the event?: Republic killed all CIS

Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot em up

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This was the best event I played on in a very long time. Punda makes the highest quality events I have ever seen and this guy is the reason why I keep coming back to play on Synergy Roleplay. 


On paper it looks mild, but the experience was intense and something to remember for awhile.

Edited by Jagger
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"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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