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Republic Base Defense


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Name: Rick

Who helped (If applicable): Elijah, and Neptune

Event Name: Republic Base Defense

Summary of the story: A large scale CIS attack is being plotted on an important republic base.  The republic base is equpied with everything a base should have, an armory, med bay, e.t.c. it even has cannons on it.  The base also has to generators a main one and a back up generator. Republic troops are deployed to defend the base in order to protect the generators and the base itself from getting destroyed.  The republic has a ship on standby ready to call in orbital strikes if need be.   During combat two commando droids in CT armor snuck in to the base and blended in, the commando droids said they were going to go check on the generator and then tried to blow it up.

What was the result of the event?:  The republic troops were victorious in every way while protecting the base!

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:  Shoot em up



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