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Scribbles - Colla IV Invasion - Part 3 Finale


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Name:  Scribbles

Who helped (If applicable): N/A

Event Name: Colla IV Invasion Part 3

Summary of the story: The Specialized stealth dvision of the republic were sent in to scout the planet of Colla IV's Droid outpost area. In their mission the majority of the stealth division ended up dying in a blaze of glory, however a single survivor managed to get the data schematic location of the B3 War droid. A Single trooper breifed all of the specialized battalion once they were deployed down the saftey elevator, and the troopers fought on, to find out many things, Many rayshields. The  Tri-droid walkers tore through their forces, however they were shut down due to an over-ride console. After as such they m oved through the compound and fought through many droids. They ended up to the main area of the schematics after destroying the triple layered rayshield.

What was the result of the event?: The republic got the schematics and nute gunray was about to glass the planet, however they traded the Senator Anf Dec for safe passage after the Vice Roy planned to kill all of them.  

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay and shootemup

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