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Clutch - CT Crash Landing


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Name: Clutch

Who helped (If applicable): Vango (Was shadowing me) Tetra, Apollo, Uso

Event Name: CT Crash Landing

Summary of the story: A group of 3 CTs (Commando Droids) "crash landed" on the planet and they needed medical attention once the troopers find out they aren't real troopers the commando droids reveal themselves they try to kill as many troopers as possible as they get backup from a frigate and some droids spawned in court yard.

What was the result of the event?: They found the crashed LAAT and the commandos took them to base and did a check up on them and once they seem fishy the droids tried killing as many troopers as possible and 2 frigates and some droids spawned in cy and troopers took all of it out and event ended.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up



 Kaiser                 Zeros                    Clutch

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