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Mandalorian Justice


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Name: Anderson

Who helped (If applicable): Xander [Shadowed] and Pepsi

Event Name: Mandalorian Justice

Summary of the story: Two Mandalorians venture onto Anaxes hunting down another one of their kind. Why? He murdered their brother and stole a family heirloom. The Mandalorians found the traitor in the Republic base of Anaxes, where they promptly duelled the traitor. Winning the duel the Jedi attempted to arrest the Mandalorians and before the duel ended one Jedi Interfered. Wanting the Jedi to face punishment one Mandalorian decided to face the Jedi in 1 on 1 combat. He sadly died. The Second Mandalorian, upset by his brothers death. Went on a rampage against the Republic but sadly met his end as well.

What was the result of the event?: The Mandalorians killed their traitor, yet the Jedi Interfered leading to a case and eventual death of the Mandalorian.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Bit of both.

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