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The Mandalorian Assassination.


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Name: Anderson

Who helped (If applicable): Alex [GH], Harte, Omalic, Rohan [Shadow], Kelso, Xander [Shadow] and Eren

Event Name: The Mandalorian Assassination.

Summary of the story: A Mandalorian Senator was heading to Coruscant when their ship was shot down by DeathWatch. The paranoid Senator held vital information that would assist in the down fall of the DeathWatch. Yet, a few DeathWatch Commandos managed to sneak on the planet and assassinate the Senator.  The CIS then Assisted with the extraction of the DeathWatch. However, they were sadly shot down.

What was the result of the event?: The Senator died and the DeathWatch Outposts / Bases remain (somewhat) of a secret.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: A bit of both. However, the Shoot-them-up style mainly took over.

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Head Admin


Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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