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Pots The 2 Step Plan


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Name: Pot

Who helped (If applicable): Scream - Event Job Wavvy - Event job Vango - GH Shadow Rohan - GM Shadow Nade - GMO Shadow

Event Name: The 2 Step plan

Summary of the story: A commando droid dressed in CT armour rode into the base on a Barc Speeder with a cage attached to it inside the cage was what the commando droid claimed to be a captured CIS General whom in actuality was a CIS test subject who had been forcfully infected with the Raghoul virus the Subject broke at of the cage and went raghoul and infected many personel of the base and the commando droid fled during the commotion the CIS went through with the second stage of their plan which was to send a large fleet to take the base

What was the result of the event?: The infection was kwelled and the CIS repelled

Was this more of a role play oriented  or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up

Edited by Pot

Hi I’m Pot

Current/Former: Child

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Head Admin


Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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