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Aang's Bad Day

Lord Thegan

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Name: TR Thegan/Boost

Who helped (If applicable): Neptune, Bluetoxic, Sinclair, Shark, Wavyy

Event Name: Aang's Bad Day

Summary of the story: Just like a normal day Senator Aang's Stroll took a wrong turn to the worse when a pirate crew of trandos kidnapped him and were going to sold him to the CIS, They tried wrecking havoc to stall for time for the CIS, they didn't however trought the Republic could offer more than them and after some scuffles they sold him to the Republic and left before leaving a "Sorry but no" note to the CIS.

What was the result of the event?: Trandoshans got their money and were able to escape the blockade thanks to the timely arrival of the CIS, and the CIS got destroyed and had to retreat. Senator Aang's ended up alive.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Some Passive but ended shoot them up

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