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Alex's Event


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Name: SGM Sparrow/ Alex

Who helped (If applicable):Foxy-game shadow/ Pot- gamehelper/ Clorox-vip/ Jackssssson-vip/

Event Name:Force of raven

Summary of the story: So raven summoned unkilleble ghost of his. They used to be in command of everything this hapend in the Old replublic. But How they would be able to destroye the ghost is by getting raven out of the way and destroying the alter so the ghost's whould vanish and die

What was the result of the event?:It went well but not as expacted

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Play oriented.

Edited by Alex_de_schrijv
forgot something
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2/10  Heres some tips to improve events like these
-Avoid having your Event Jobs have 45000HP, If you must keep an event job alive, spawn in strong NPC's the cover for him Or don't have them be in the fighting
-Don't use Force Whirlwind/Force Choke unless it makes sense in the Story/RP. Nothing is more Jarring then be in a spar and half way through you can no longer fight because the event job just clicked one button
-Add more NPC's, It always does help people who can't really get themselves into the RP have atleast something to shoot at during an event. If you can't handle all by yourself, just ask for GH help. They're called Game Helpers after all.
-Please for the love of god, don't spend like 30 seconds in the air and then say you escaped. Ships like LAATs cannot use a hyperdrive. Just try to either escape earlier by using NPC's to distract players or Using bigger ships which actually have a hyperdrive key. (It's ALT btw)

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