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Anderson's Event Idea


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Anderson crashed almost to the end of the event and I am doing this for him, I am just posting it, he is the GM of this event

Name: Anderson 


Who helped (If applicable): Clorox, Cutlaw ( GM Shadow )

Event Name: Toruk's Appearance 

Summary of the story: A CIS Admiral by the name of Toruk was given charge of attacking Annaxes, there was an orbital combat and combat on the fortress, Fleet Admiral Aota was given charge to defend Annaxes for this attack. When the battle started, some frigates slipped away and went above the fortress, an acclamator came there and tried to help but to no avail, it was shot down and the frigates used bombing runs on CY. Then after the CIS started loosing they made a last stan on Granite

What was the result of the event?: A new made out character by Anderson , Toruk and a commando droid survived..

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up

Edited by Cutlaw
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