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Xander's CIS Entourage part 1


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Who helped (If applicable):Chaotic,Selena

Event Name:CIS Entourage part 1

Summary of the story:The Idea Was that a Commando Boarded a Laat killed the pilot and crashed it Then Killed the Clones on that laat and took their syntetic skin and made himself look like a clone and infiltrated the base, His objective was to Cause a distraction and then download data from CIC.

What was the result of the event?:A  commando droid and a ct had been transported from endor by two 2ndAC uknown of the commando droid, a flashship of the cis came out of hysperspace and started attacking the ventor and they boarded a laat where they proceeded to get shot down, after infiltrating the base the commando droid proceeded to take out their power, use the alarm that was powered by the backup generators, and download the intel, and retreat to the listening outpost and upload the info to a CIS frigate in orbit, successful the droid was not picked up as it had served its purpouse.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:Shoot em up

Edited by Xander

Ex. Veteran Admin  Ex. GMO   Ex. 212th Warrant Officer

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