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Ancient Lords Event Roster [ONLY LORD+]


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Head Admin

So for whoever was there I did an event with Reed/Fyi, Scream, WeyForce, Bluetoxic, Lie Ren and Bro containing "Ancient Lords" on the Dark Council Member jobs to reflect how powerful they are etc. We've decided to continue this and make into a chain event for the clones but mainly for the jedis. Thee AAR link can be found here for a quick summary of the event. As the events go on more and more will join the group and different names will appear.

Ancient Lord Hammock: The weakest of them all. He was taken captive a long time ago and kept imprisoned on a planet by the name of "Serenno" in secret obviously from the entire civilization. He felt the presence of a former Sith strong and wanted to reconnect with him. He came to Anaxes and found Lie Ren. However, after encountering quite a lot of jedi and clones he got angry more. He started fighting Lie Ren and fled to the cave where he got struck down by atleast 7 jedi. With his last breath he summoned the rest of the ancient Lords. 
Status: Dead as of the 26th of August

Ancient Lord Reaves: Lord Reaves is one of the more intellectual strategists. Always thinking ahead of himself and what is the best actions before performing anything.
Status: Escaped to unknown locaton

Ancient Lord Vernor: Lord Vernor is the second weakest due to his training not being completed before going into exile due to the threats on the lords. Due to this he trained himself a bit which explains his unorthodox fighting styles but weak in the ways of force powers.
Status: Escaped to unknown locaton

Ancient Lord Ronrev: A very quiet but skilled warrior. Stronger in the force than saber combat making him a dangerous opponent for the jedi. He only speaks when it is needed or incase of times of battles. Channels the force through himself to strike his oppents with pwoerful lightning strikes is his favourite.
Status: Escaped to unknown locaton

Ancient Lord Byrann: The strongest of them all, the sorceror of the group. He can cast havoc onto civilizations wiping them out and is the hardest opponent for the jedi. Unorthodox but wears armor that is of extreme quality found on mandalore many decades ago. He has been chosen as the Leader untill the real Leader has been found.
Status: Escaped to unknown locaton

Ancient Lord Cristakal: Lord Cristakal is one of the summoned ones and also the Assassin and master of deceiving & illusions. One moment you see him, one moment you're dead. As Hammock has died and been burned he has been chosen to take up his role as the Assassin Leader as they not recruit but force people to join them.
Status: Escaped to unknown location

Also, Bro aka the old Lust plays as Lust in this. I really dont know what Lust did in the empire so yeah cool.
Lie the Exile also played in this as a "Sorceror" who released the manifestation on the base


Edited by Rohan
Minor tweaks
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Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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