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Neptune - The Drug Cartel


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Name: Neptune

Who helped (If applicable): Foxey,  Knight, Daxyn, Deathtiger, Atomic, Sinclair, Kaput, Ignis, Rose

Event Name: The Drug Cartel

Summary of the story: A CT PVT known as Bim has been ordering death sticks and has been caught. Esentially, what was suppose to be a silent and stealthy delivery accidentally went open when troopers rushed to question why people were delivering crates of unknown substances. The cartel that made the drugs was found by the shock troopers at the base but they managed to stay fairly low. Undetected to them, a few bandits that wanted the drug cartel wiped managed to get into the houses that the cartel used. The troopers deemed that hostile, and a few of them tried to escape in the freighter they had but were quickly shot down, a single person didn't make it to the freightor and ran to the crystal caves where some hidden spices were remaining along with the remaining bandits. One of the original couriers was taken to brig along with PVT Bim and were then shipped to a prison for their part in the drug cartel. There was a last minute change which resulted in the execution of Bim.

What was the result of the event?: The cartel was crushed and the drugs were destroyed, Bim was executed, and the courier was sent off planet

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay



Edited by Neptune

Hi, I'm Neptune

winkwink- Tumblr posts - Tumbig.com

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Sorry Neptune, It seemed like a good event to start with but the story was all over the place. Mainly the problem was whoever was playing the Drug Lord or whatever. We legit had Roleplay reason to interrogate him, and had multiple reasons and evidence against him. Whoever was one of the couriers was chill, But the drug lord absolutely ruined it for me. We were interrogating, And he legit started saying we were failrp'ing. Which is pretty dumb to begin with, I told him what we gathered before from the couriers interrogation and broke RP multiple times, and legit was being a hardass throughout the interrogation. Like, Okay dude. Try getting a better main event job next time.

Edited by Tinovious

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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Just now, Tinovious said:


Sorry Neptune, It seemed like a good event to start with but the story was all over the place. Mainly the problem was whoever was playing the Drug Lord or whatever. We legit had Roleplay reason to interrogate him, and had multiple reasons and evidence against him. Whoever was one of the couriers was chill, But the drug lord absolutely ruined it for me. We were interrogating, And he legit started saying we were failrp'ing. Which is pretty dumb to begin with, I told him what we gathered before from the couriers interrogation and broke RP multiple times, and legit was being a hardass throughout the interrogation. Like, Okay dude. Try getting a better main event job next time.

I understand this, I appreciate the feedback, I'll keep trying to find better event jobs that are more suited for the role that I give to them.

Hi, I'm Neptune

winkwink- Tumblr posts - Tumbig.com

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