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Loopy's - Operation Clean Sweep

Loopy Newby

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Name: Loopy

Who helped (If applicable): Killjoy. Special thanks to kangaroo

Event Name: Operation Clean Sweep

Summary of the story: 

 As another day passes in the Prison ship Glubgrub In but unlike most days a storm has been brewing. A recent bill has been passed by senator Gume saam and senator Aang to lower the spending of republics resources on prisons as they think the cells we give them and the activities we give them are not suited hardened criminals due to its high quality nature, they wish to downgrade their cells and prison yard activities to save money and fund the republics war effort, obviously the prisoners have not enjoyed this change and have been carefully planning an escape with a bunch of members, once lunch had ended the courasant guards started to escort prisoners back to there cells but before they could shut the doors many of them attacked there escorts knocking out or straight up killing the guards, many of them picked up DC-17s and started to take control of the prison, both the courasant guard and the prisoners fought for about 20 minutes in the main detention level but shock were forced to retreat and call for reinforcements to deal with this riot. Gume saam has been given permission from the chancellor himself to call upon the likes of the more seasoned coruscant guard and the riot experts that are DU. He’s authorized them both to use whatever force they deem necessary to quell this riot once and for all.

What was the result of the event?: Shock,DU and Rancor retake control of the ship once and for all.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot Em Up but both initally

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