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Rohan - McFactories


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Head Admin

Name: Rohan

Who helped (If applicable): No one

Event Name: McFactories

Summary of the story: Gereard of McFactories heard about the famous vehicles designer McFisher and wanted to buy his designs. The Republic got offered a briefcase of 250k credits in cash. He got denied and ran out of base while being followed by shock. They gunned him down althought Sandbag told them to escort me out. From there my event went the other way. The big boss sent a lot of employees with weapons to take revenge. They failed and the big boss went to Slate with a lot of his men. The troopers and jedi cleared out the un-experienced employees (average proficiency) and captured me while Sandbag was looking for me to give back the briefcase with money but took me to the cells. He got released and that's it.

What was the result of the event?: Unnecesairy drama in character lol. Many losses for McFactories

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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7/10 A really refreshing event but was bit short maybe needed more fluff to get it to like a 8/10 or 9/10 

I love how the idea really enjoyable event next time try not to use a player as key element in your event because players disconnect and it would derail your whole thing 

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