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Rohan - Weaken the garrison


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Head Admin

Name: Rohan

Who helped (If applicable): Spaghetti, Cutlaw

Event Name: Weaken the garrison

Summary of the story: The CIS deployed 4 frigates all over the place deploying squadrons of fighters to weaken the base's garrison. After all fighters were deployed the pods came down to take care of the ground forces. All 4 frigates crashed BUT one landed on the mountain and deployed 2 commandos into the base, due to this they were given the oppurtunity to plant a device on a terminal to send intel to the CIS. This can be found and will be tracked back in a deployment for 327th & a battalion of their choice as it will be a siege.

What was the result of the event?: Republic Victory in battle but loss of major intel

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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Nice event, nice ammount of droids and it's nice to see some piloting events every once in a while. It would've been nice tho if some of the frigates were sent to the other outposts to create a better chance for the commando droids to do their thing. 7/10


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Head Admin
1 minute ago, Timmy said:

Nice event, nice ammount of droids and it's nice to see some piloting events every once in a while. It would've been nice tho if some of the frigates were sent to the other outposts to create a better chance for the commando droids to do their thing. 7/10


Thankjyou for the feedback 
! :D

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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