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Conversion Part 2


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Name: Pinkdonut

Who helped (If applicable): Joe (shadow)

Event Name: Conversion part 2 

Summary of the story: After the "converted Jedi"  felt comfortable in his new robes he begins to feel like the dark side is still in his system and feels like it is taking over his body. He starts to hear voices in his head and then hears steal data from the jedi and steal a holocron. The Converted jedi starts thinking maybe its not so bad, the sith could be my true home and after thinking about it for a long period of time he starts the process.  And the process begins, Step 1 get the data and the holocron and eventually goes to the base and  basically attacks the base.

What was the result of the event?: the sith killed the converted jedi and then the shadows interrogated the sith and eventually got the holocron bakc in the republics hands.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up 


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