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Rocksteady - of spies and bombs


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Name: Rocksteady

Who helped (If applicable):

Event Name: of spies and bombs

Summary of the story: A CIS spy was able to infiltrate into the base and plant bombs all over the base. it managed to escape and blew the bombs leading to the deaths of countless clones and the near destruction of the base. the CIS used this opportunity to move into the base, but the republic returned with a vengeance and cleared the base, destroying the droids and angering the CIS Admiral who launched a full scale assault onto the base. it failed and the republic lived to fight another day

What was the result of the event?: republic win

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up



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10/10 One of the best events. I really like it when game masters makes us evacuate the base. Even tho it wasnt defcon 1, it basically was which I love. The action was also super good. You didnt just spawn droids in CY you also spawned droids on different layers in the main area.

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