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Baller's Deathwatch Scouting Party


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Name: Fleet Admiral Yularen (Baller)

Event Name: Deathwatch Scouts

Summary of the story: Two deathwatch were sent on a scouting mission to find any republic vessels and get any data they could from it. The deathwatch invaded the ship and took down their comms and began a data extraction in IR. Halfway through the data mining, the Deathwatch Comms reported in that they had to leave to system and that either they depart the venator now with what they have, or their getting left behind. The deathwatch scouts quickly made their way to escape and one of them died while the other got away.

What was the result of the event?: The Deathwatch gathered bits of data but nothing useful.

Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: More of a shoot em up event because they boarded and were quickly noticed, so they had a firefight to get to comms deck and IR.

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8 hours ago, Kain said:

-1, repetitious and doesn't make any sense lore wise. Deathwatch doesn't just attack random republic vessels for possibly data. You should try for something more original, weave some roleplay into it. 

Kain, there were 8 people on the server, I was getting something for them to do lol

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