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Neptune - Grievous's Test Subjects


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Name: Neptune

Who helped (If applicable): Charger, Suth, Gears, Joe (Shadow, Black (Shadow), and Spaghetti

Event Name: Grievous's Test Subjects

Summary of the story: A family of test subjects that were given special powers were tested on to check if Grievous can be given force like powers. The family used their powers to escape but were hunted down by the CIS. The family was cornered in a village by droids until the Republic found their cry for help and came and rescued them. The family was brought to the medbay, but eventually brought the Jedi temple to study them further. A small assault was launched on the CIS listening posts were they diffused some bombs, made their way to the Tactical droid and ripped its head off for to study what was in it.

What was the result of the event?: The parents were killed for attempting to kill republic troops, the child was sent to the Jedi order to study, and the tactical droid was destroyed

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay



Hi, I'm Neptune

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