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CIS umbaran data breach


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Name:  Rick

Who helped (If applicable): Logan

Event Name: CIS umbaran data breach

Summary of the story: CIS umbarans took over outpost slate while the GAR troops were distracted at main base with a frigate and a air attack.  The umbarans then moved into Outpost slate and only got data for supply's which disapointed them.  Then they moved to CIS listening outpost, they didnt realize it was there base and there data till the data was downloaded from there own outpost.  Somehow it was parcially the data they needed. After they had taken some hostages on the side throughout the event they let them go do to commands from CIS command.

What was the result of the event?: The CIS umbarans escaped with partial data.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up and kinda rp.



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