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Loopy's - Sins of the father.

Loopy Newby

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Name: Loopy

Who helped (If applicable): Rohan,  Cubby

Event Name: Sins of the father.

Summary of the story: 

Far from the main warzone a small notable skirmish happened on the planet of honoghr, what meant to be a simple attack mission turned into a clones worst nightmare and the CIS’s best dream. General Grievous oversaw the deployment of a special Bio-Weapon called the ACPV (Anti-Cognitive Programming Virus), this caused the clones worst nightmare to occur, being ordered around and treated like a common droid with no free will by the very enemy they swore to destroy. Grievous was impressed by the display of this bio-weapon for practical and impractical use like bring an entire battalion to its knees before Grievous feet. The battalion that suffered the first engagement was the 60th assault battalion forcing many members to become drones of the CIS, luckily many of 30th retreated from the horrors of that battle and to there FOB, they start to transferring the information of the battle to the nearby republic bases and outposts including anax’s, but the transmission of honoghr is pathetic and it will take about 10 minutes for it to reach the anax’s and unfortunately that’s Grevious’s field testing grounds, he sends the brainwashed 30th’s to find a ventilation system and disperse the ACPV throughout the base creating a drone army of clones, he tasks the vials delivery to BCMD Trigg and havoc platoon. Will the warning reach the clones in time for them to stop the spread of this horrific virus? Or will the clones have to rush a cure and be wary of their fellow brothers?


Lore: https://swfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Anti-Clone_Virus



What was the result of the event?: Grevious was captured and the virus found out.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot Em Up mostly [sadly]

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10/10 even though i was mostly flying a ship and shooting down the frigates it was one of the best events i've ever experienced

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