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WeyForce - Suprise attack


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Name: WeyForce

Who helped (If applicable): Rohan, Xander, Failsafe

Event Name: Suprise attack

Summary of the story: So the CIS decide to launch an attack on the republic base of anaxes, their main target the generators so they can deploy their main force inland, if all of this fails they will capture a hostage and try and flee with him.

What was the result of the event?: The CIS managed to destroy the shield gen, but had to backup leaving it up for plan b, they escaped with a hostage.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot'em up.

Edited by Soviiet
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In my opinion this was a 5/10 event. It was very similiar to all CIS events we've almost ever had. CIS Warp in, they attack base, we win. It was a pretty basic shootem up and did not really have any RP aspects in my opinion. If your going to do a CIS event make it unique, give it backstory, and add some RP before, during, or after the shooting.

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