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Sarcastic Trando


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Name: Holo

Who helped (If applicable): Xander rocksteady (shadowed) 

Event Name: Sarcastic Trando

Summary of the story: a gang of trandoshians set up a "shop" (trap) in the crystal cave and wanted to kill some clones setting up turrets and booby traps throughout the cave and setting up a holographic "senator" for them to save

What was the result of the event?: the gang was killed off and the republic went home angry 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up

Autism made me do it.

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Just now, Ket said:

7/10. It was a decent shoot em up, but the turrets are so annoying. Also the ending was extremely anti-climactic, felt like a ball tease rather than an actual ending of any kind, it was just like "oh well we killed them all, cool."

i agree it was supposed to be abit more of a firefight but the reinforcements later in the event took me by suprise and wiped out everyone. So apologies for that but im glad for the most part you enjoyed it :D

Autism made me do it.

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