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Rohan - Corrupted Jedi


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Head Admin

Name: Rohan

Who helped (If applicable): Young and WeyForce

Event Name: Corrupted Jedi

Summary of the story: 2 Corrupted jedi padawans left for 13 years on Anaxes found the base. They explained their story and their master named "Darth Enzyl". He passed away a while ago so yeah. Once in the temple escorted by a knight they tried to kill him and blame him for everything. They took another knight and put Enzyl's soul into his body. They fought everyone off. The knight with the soul escaped and the other sent to prison.

What was the result of the event?: victory for rep and darth enzyl escaping


Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: both, mainly RP at the beginning and after that it was a lot of saber fighting.

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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