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The Great Sacrifice


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Name: Pinkdonut

Who helped (If applicable):  Techno (GH)

Event Name: The Great Sacrifice 

Summary of the story:  The Sith have discovered a planet vibrant in the Force, Anaxes. They plan to steal a holocron and use it to perform a ritual in order to revive a fallen Sith Lord. When They Arrive to Anaxes they come across a cave filled with kyber crystals and a nearby village. In the village they come across a citizen that fits the description of what they need to bring back a fallen Sith lord. During the sacrifice Clones and Jedi start to interrupt their plans and try to stop the sacrifice but they did not succeed and the Sith lord has been revived. After that the Jedi and clones eventually put an end to the lord and start to interrogate the Sith.

What was the result of the event?: Interrogation by Bad Batch

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up to a rp scenario 


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