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Fake Civilian's


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Name: Rick

Who helped (If applicable): Knight

Event Name: Fake Civilian's

Summary of the story: The CIS has sent two undercover CIS personnel, two Bounty hunters and a CIS sith lord for an undercover attack.  The bounty hunters are fake chasing the civilians  in there mandolorain ship... as this is happening the undercover CIS personnel "Civilians"  open comms in that they are republic civilians and have escaped a CIS prison and are running from the CIS.  As the republic helps these two "Citizens" the bounty hunters and the Sith Lord enter the base and start attacking and creating chaos.  This attack by the bounty hunters and the sith lord is really a distraction for the two civilians to get out of sight from the republic personnel and to go into BCC and gen room and plant bombs.

What was the result of the event?: BCC and Gen room were damaged and there were multiple Republic casualty's.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both



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