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Poisonous Citizen's


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Name: Rick

Who helped (If applicable): Ironclad, Pinkdonut, and Snoop.

Event Name: Poisonous Citizen's

Summary of the story: 3 surviving citizen's have a small hideout outside of the republic base and are being attacked by the infected. Then they send out a distress call, because they are running from a deadly infection called Poliz that kill's you and bring's you back to life as a infectious hostile.  The citizens ask for help and for protection and shelter.  As the citizens enter the base and are being helped they realize they are infected and the infection starts spreading throughout the base by air and by touch.  Clone's and other infected start dieing after 30 seconds or more and start becoming hostile after death.  The antidote is found and the infection is eliminated because the infection couldn't find another host.

What was the result of the event?:  The antidote was found and everyone stopped getting infected

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Role play and shoot em up.


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