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Dopamine - Trandos for hire


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Name: Dopamine

Who helped (If applicable): Sesu

Event Name: Trandos for hire

Summary of the story: A large group of trandoshan mercenaries we're hired to get information from the surprisingly successful republic Redwood base, that has so far repelled all attacks that have been thrown at it. The group was hired by the CIS to find any weak points in the base. First a group attacked bravo to get the codes to access the terminals at BCC. The attack on bravo failed and the trandoshan soldier that as stationed there was killed but the clones we're able to make it look like he was alive by use voice-changers and the info they found off the corpse. The commander attacked the base with full force thinking the terminal codes we're captured and he was promptly killed when the codes we're never transmitted.

What was the result of the event?: All the trandoshans died and one of was captured and interrogated. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up, but some fun interrogation rp aswell

*edit: spelling mistakes*

Edited by Doqamine
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