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Dooku's Bounty Hunter's #2


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Name: Rick

Who helped (If applicable):  Shockpoint

Event Name: Dooku's Attack for Intel- Dooku's Bounty Hunter's #2

Summary of the story:  Dooku sends in bounty hunters to steal intel from Alpha and Bravo.  While the info is being stolen  dooku sends in troops to surround the base  in order to keep republic troops from reaching the outposts.  One of the bounty hunters escaped with intel but his ship was rigged with bombs preventing his escape.  The other bounty hunter captured and brought into med bay for questioning.  Dooku was afraid that the captured bounty hunter would give to much information so he attempted to send in an assasin to take him out.

What was the result of the event?: No intel was taken by dooku's bounty hunters.  Both bounty hunters were killed and dooku's location was given.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up and some rp.




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