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Loopy's - The Children of the fire rain

Loopy Newby

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Name: Loopy

Who helped (If applicable): Sniff, Joe and Mcfisher

Event Name: The Children of the fire rain

Summary of the story: 

The poor nearby tribals have lived on the planet of Endor way before the republic had come and made their presence known on Endor and when they came they brought the war with them, millions of bombs, Droid parts and destroyed clone armor littered the land, the gullible tribals believed this was their god punishing them so they started to worship a undetonated CIS Blazer Bomb and though sheer luck the next battles avoided there village, the formation of this new religion grew as they collected more bombs and explosive weapons to worship before eventually finding the immovable redwood base, they knew the base had plenty of bombs and was the source of the CIS’s “Fire Rain” so they grab a salvaged comms device and start to contact the republic demanding there explosive ordinance for there religion and god. Will the republic be able to shoo away these tribals and disarm the massive blazer bombs they worship? Or will the clones anger this religious cult and start a small skirmish on the base.


Lore: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Blazer_bomb


Inspiration: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Children_of_Atom


What was the result of the event?: Omega squad blew up the bomb they worshipped causing a small skirmish

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Was gonna be more rp leaning but due to player choice turned shoot em

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