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Loopy's - Bats Reporting for duty!

Loopy Newby

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Name: Loopy

Who helped (If applicable): Staff: N/A  VIP: Lunch, Tripoli and Corvo.

Event Name: Bats Reporting for Duty 

Summary of the story: 

Bats a damaged B1 battle droid returns to the republic base of Endor known as a Redwood Base they’ve received information from there spying missions about a future sepratist attack in the major hyperspace lane known as the “Corellian Run”, But a tactical droid had ran many programming to figure out who was leaking there information and to its disbelief, it was a B1 Battledroid but before they could scrap the traitor he had already fled to give this information to nearby republic base of Endor, already annoyed by this treachery he sends a small attack fleet to quickly intercept this leaked information and destroy this B1 before it commences another spying operation. This mission will be a strange one for the republic base of Endor as not many have heard of this allied B1 named bats, will they destroy it in an unfortunate act of what they assumed was a normal B1? Or will the clones get a weird taste of fighting alongside their mortal enemies.


Source of lore: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/B1-0516


What was the result of the event?: The information was transferred over and bats was safely transferred off world

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both {I think}

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