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Black Market Dealer Revealed?

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Who helped (If applicable):KnightVR,Pot,Rickt,Kano,Cubby,Young

Event Name:Black Marker Dealer Revealed?

Summary of the story:A Black Market Dealer Went to The Planet Tatoonine ( Mistaken Spelling) to Sell Some Tech,He sold a a Grenade To a Tusken Raider.But It Self-destructed When Have gave it to him 5 secs later.The Tuskens get mad and want to avenge their Fellow Tusken.So They Chase Him and Try To Kill Him.So Will Being Chased Jawas sneak into The Black Market Dealer's Ship and tries to get some tech to scrap.Him Flying Off and Getting Shot Down at Endor.He flees to The Republic Base find for help/protection from the Jawas and Tusken Raiders.The Tuskens and Jawas End up raiding the base trying to find him,The Tuskens Wanted Him Dead and The Jawas wanted his tech.

What was the result of the event?:In The End,He ended being discovered as a black market dealer and fights back losing and being captured.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:both



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