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Black - 212th ending - sad ending

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Name: Black/cOLT

Who helped (If applicable): Shepherd

Event Name: The end Game

Summary of the story: This is the concluding ending series for the 212th storyline this involved a sad and bad ending causing them TO FEEL like shit hopefully.... This had alot of information leading up to this will be brought in a different post - Marshal Commander Qal is in charge of the covert unit of Gremlins used to assassinate alot of the CIS Senators and Cartel Offcials. The Cartel was used as a front to do the dirt work of the Republic Publicly as well as cost the CIS,.. Marshal Commander Shepherd destroyed the data and attempted to eliminate the 212th with a cordinated attack with the gremlins but failed

What was the result of the event?: 212th found out Shepherd is a traitor

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: both



page long post of the ending explanation will be posted soon 

Edited by BlackiSblack
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