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Blaki - Captured Citizens


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Name: Blaki

Who helped (If applicable): Rose (GH), Zero, Stormzy, Shadow 11, Lamn, Furious

Event Name: Captured Citizens

Summary of the story: A Republic Citizen run into the base with a bomb attached to his body. After clones defused the bomb, Omega Squad spotted a Camp of Cad Bane and a scientist. After a fight with droids cad bane decided to negotiate with 104th. A CIS General attacked the base after they got hostages back from the camp. After a long siege on base, general escaped and attacked charlie. after deploying droid, 21st set off the bomb on the fleet and it crashed in lake. After clearing Charlie and quick ENG RP all droids were destroyed. One of the  citizens stole the ship and turned hostile on the republic. Cad Bane was interrigated and escorted to Coruscant.

What was the result of the event?: Republic Won, saved citizens, base was interrigated and transportd to Coruscant

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both



First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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