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Rose - Wretched Ice Cream


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Name: Rose 

Who helped (If applicable): Adam

Event Name: Wretched Ice Cream

Summary of the story: A Ice Cream Salesman and his kid come to base to sell their Ice Cream to the base claiming they are pro republic and doing it at bases across the galaxy. After eating the ice cream troopers start getting sick and eventually go crazy if not cured in time.

What was the result of the event?: 3 troopers got infected 1 went crazy the base sent the seller away and cured their troopers.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Role Play



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5 minutes ago, Custard said:


I was infected, and the passive rp was nice, but how the ice cream truck was just allowed in was kind of stupid, thats about it.

thank you. it was allowed in by a non event job lol


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