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Dennis - Army Of Abeloth


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Name: Dennis

Who helped (If applicable): Lucky, able,  Byrd Staff: McFisher, Lucky

Event Name: Army Of Abeloth

Summary of the story: Abeloth has gone around and has gotten her self a droid army and wants revenge on the clones and the Jedi, she also has a few converted clones that are rakghouls. Her goal is to overthrow the base and take control to rule the universe. 

What was the result of the event?: The attack failed and abeloth punished her general and made him turn and infect more clones but the republic wins the day again.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Head Admin


Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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