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Sith Lords Doings

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Name: Liquid

Who helped (If applicable):

Event Name: Sith Lords Doings

Summary of the story: A Sith Lord came to the sith to help find his holocron where his body was held in. He found it and came back to human form and started to attack the Jedi temple with Dead Jedi and modified people. (This is a two part event 2nd part will be later)

What was the result of the event?: Sith Lord lives to fight another day Quin lin vos got injured during the fight against the Sith Lord

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Passive to Shoot'em up



Former: Tiplee, TC Ayar, Chief of Communications Coburn (Assisted with creating ATC)                                                                               
Current: Master Eeth Koth

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