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Scribbles - The Conqueror Part 3


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Name: Scribbles 

Who helped (If applicable): Rocksteady

Event Name:  The Conqueror Part 3

Summary of the story: Thanris, on a quest for the Artifacts has found one with his tracking. He had raided a republic ship, and filled it with his own tech and security, the republic deployed to infilrate and stop this, however it was too late. Troopers were being used as energy for his nefarious deeds. Humans were being used as energy. This was horrid.  Now we have to figure out, where is he going next? What is he going to do. What artifact. 

What was the result of the event?:  Thanris got the artifact and had gone out. He sent reinforcements to delay the republic after his escape. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootemup.

Edited by Scribbles
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