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Silvers - The Chimera Ants


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Name: Silvers

Who helped (If applicable): Black (I guess)

Event Name: The Chimera Ants 

Summary of the story: Literally 2 encounters mixed into 1! :) There were weird creatures around the base, and morel comes in at the right time and examines them. He discovers that they are chimera ants, creatures from the dark sector of unknown areas of space! Yowza! These creatures can bite an organism and their offspring will have some of those genes of that said organism! Yowza! Eggs are laid everywhere, and the republic must eliminate those eggs!

What was the result of the event?: GR8

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: BOTH BUT MORE RP WOAH RP SURPRISING OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOD



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