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Loopy's - The Iron Fortress

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Name: Loopy

Who helped (If applicable): Shadow: Poe Staff: Mcfisher  VIP: Malore, Mcfisher alien and some names I couldn't grab 

Event Name: The Iron Fortress

Summary of the story: 

a hutt has escaped a assassination attempt from one of the rival hutt families and is asking for assistance from the republic in exchange for secret trade routes the hutts have used, this could greatly help the war effort. Soon the bounty hunters land, these guys have trained meticulously and are very skilled at assassination and getting what they want so they know an attack on the main republic base is suicidal and stupid so they decide to attack bravo clearing out any resistance in there path and quickly setting up defenses so breaking through to the outpost would be suicidal, but they know not every clone is the brightest so they hold a normal civilian hostage who was unfortunate enough to be around, they start to contact they base demanding the hutt to be return at bravo and they are forbidding any clones besides negotiators near the outpost or else they will fire upon any clone they see, This mission will require great negotiating, intense skill at combat or giving into the bounty hunters demands.


What was the result of the event?: The hutt escaped forcing the bounty hunters to negotiate a escape route rather than there prize

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Passive RP

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Head Admin

7/10, good rp but took way too long also no pew pew ;-;

  • Friendly 1

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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