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Loopy's - For the force

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Name: Loopy

Who helped (If applicable): VIPs: Tingus, Goofy, Selena and Knight VR

Event Name: For The Force

Summary of the story: A group of sith have landed down on endor and have set down a altar and a powerful artifact that's power is still unknown but the sith seem fanatically loyal to it and wishes to sacrifice clones and others too it to increase its power and there's.

What was the result of the event?: The sith captured a handful of people and sacrificed them to the artifact soon the clones arrive and the ball opens up portals for being to crawl out from and attack the clones but soon they keep it under control with the help up interested sith who capture the artifact and bring it back to the temple the 4 sith engage clones and rival sith alike and were slain while the sith take control of the powerful artifact and the republic fight for another day.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up with a side of RP

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