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Loopy's - Fears of war

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Name: Loopy

Who helped (If applicable): Shadow: Poe VIP's: Mcfisher, Ricky, Conway and Technodad

Event Name: : Fears Of War

Summary of the story: The 327th have left from a recent siege in the outer-rim that was filled with chemical warfare in a muddy and decimated planet of Jabiim the men are exhausted and there armor rusted and dirty from all the mud and chemicals from the battle. The men aren’t scared of the chemicals that were used in the battle as there suits were sealed but due to the intense combat the seal was broken and the chemicals leaked through the armor causing a virus to spread into them from the chemical warfare, the virus known as the “Fear Virus” has affected the troops and they soon check themselves into medbay before the virus starts to control there actions they start seeing brothers besides there own 327th as droids and Jedi as Sith they lockdown the medbay and capture any brothers that were unfortunate to be with them, the 327th instinctively get into defensive positions in

What was the result of the event?: They report to medbay and start to feel the effects of the virus as they make a stand off with the DU but due to the excellent command by Commander dennis they quickly overtook them and started to calm them down before making a brand new cure courtesy of SGT texas

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay

Edited by Loopy Newby
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