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Unusual - The Ancient Return


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Name - Unusual

Event Helpers - Egert, Cloves [VIPS] Conway Kronix

Event Name - The Ancient Return

Summary - The ancient power is felt by all the force sensative people. The ancient temple of the jedi has returned, but far more ruined. A spirit protecting a holocron resides there who warns the clones not to take it. They decide against it and give it to the jedi. It causes darkness to be released, A sith spirit comes out of the holocron and summons his armies. With many holocrons around the base, many zombies begin to flood in. They must stop the attack

Result - The clones and jedi managed to close the holocrons slowing down its darkness, they selaed back in its burial ground where the Spirit of Corruption and Protection dueled. Protection won and sealed the holocrons.

Shoot em up


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