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Power House Assault for Perri


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Name: BCNS

Who helped (If applicable): BCNS

Event Name:Power House Assault for Perri

Summary of the story: A republic LAAT is found under attack bye CIS forces, When the Survivors are recovered and brought back to base a CIS forces appears soon after to assault the Facility,During the Assault the recovered clones assault the base from within to capture Perri

What was the result of the event?: Perri was captured, and the CIS forces reppelled

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootem Up



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I joined midway in. 

I give it a 5/10.

For the sole factor of jobs just kind of acting like children/minges whenever combat took place. 

The spawning was a bit odd, i got into a ship, got out for repairs and immediately had 10 B2 Droids appear out of literally nowhere inside of me, instantly blowing me up along with the ship.  


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