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A dangerous score

Loopy Newby

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Name: Loopy

Who helped (If applicable): Staff: Harte and Cutlaw  VIPs: Thorn, Mcfisher  Willy, Cutlaw and Harte.

Event Name: A dangerous score

Summary of the story: The CIS have made a special team of commando's to capture and or assassinate senators within the base and have hire the devilish bounty cad bane to achieve this goal. During the newest batch of shinies that have been shipped off to endor a couple of commando droid and cad bane himself have infiltrated the ranks and must find a covert way to capture these senators without being caught

What was the result of the event?: Cad bane and his elite commando's captured the senators after slaughtering many 104th to get there and senate commando's. They held up in bravo and survived a assault from the 187th and Rancor while injuring bail before the 104th back-up arrived to negotiate with cad bane. Cad bane made reasonable demands for credits since he was surrounded, Suddenly Ashoka Tano and rancor charged in to secure the senators but were pushed back making cad bane double his demand and forcing the 104th to fall to his demands they then escorted them to the spaceport where they can escape. Cad bane is still at large...

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Mostly Passive with bits of shoot em up

Edited by Loopy Newby
Fixed Staff
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8 minutes ago, Ashley said:

2/10 I'm sorry but when 128 people are on, 1 bat shouldn't just walk up and ruin it for everyone else. There was no action at all, not even a droid.

Sadly I understand and I cannot control the outcome of such events or players as I like to promote player choice like if the 187th wanted to go in guns blazing that would be fine and great! but the 104th wished to do negotiations and what they do is there business and I cannot control what they do. I hope in the future this does not sully your view to my event and I hope you have fun in the future and I will take your critiques to heart. 

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