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The Rivalry


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Name: Josh

Who helped (If applicable): Shake

Event Name: The Rivalry

Summary of the story: A Clan by the name of: Les Ravageurs, Declared a war against their opposing Clan named: Les Sauvageons, They had previously been joined up into one big Faction but the two leaders were struggling to decide who should be in power and one leader assassinated the other, This went on for generation were the Warlords in the end had the Power, They split up into Two Clan’s declaring a Permanent War against each one another. One hid in the outer rim whilst the other were hiding in plane site on coruscant. The Les Ravageurs who was stationed on a planet in the Outer Rim, Had decided they wanted to move closer to the capital and starting packing up their things making small hyperspace jumps because their ships was in a bad shape and had to refuel as well as couldn’t stay in hyperspace for so long. The Les Sauvageons who was stationed on Coruscants lower levels had sent out a scouting team to spy on their rivals when they found out that they were building a outpost on Endor Moon the same planet a Republic Outpost took place at. They started building one of their own and in the end it was a Standoff.

What was the result of the event?: The Sauvageons packed their backs and left. whilst exploding the other clans base, Both Clans fleed the planet

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both



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