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Operation Dogma

Loopy Newby

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Name: Loopy

Who helped (If applicable): Staff: Techno  VIP's: Propane, Sniff and Omama.

Event Name: Operation Dogma

Summary of the story: 

Count dooku has intercept a ancient Sith artifact of unknown power and plans to study it and bring it back to his master but a group of Jedi scouts were already investigating the planet for its strong force readings but they were unfortunate enough to find the CIS instead of the artifact they quickly inform the republic but were soon captured by the huge droid scouting parties. The republic quickly sent reinforcements to intercept count dooku and the artifact and if they can save the captured Jedi. But due to Sith scouts they learn the Jedi have been anxious about the artifact and seek to add it to there own collection under any means necessary.


What was the result of the event?: The battle was won and there were a lot of deaths but they officially have the holocron in there grasps but it refuses to move meaning jedi are to come and examine it. Count Dooku escaped once again but the Padawan and the holocron are safe and sound.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot Em Up with a small side of RP

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